Victoria Lin

CV | Google Scholar

Hello! I am a PhD student in the Department of Statistics and the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University, where I am advised by Louis-Philippe Morency and Eli Ben-Michael. I am broadly interested in problems at the intersection of causal inference and machine learning, particularly in natural language settings. My work is supported by a Meta Research PhD Fellowship.

Previously, I was a master's student in CMU's Language Technologies Institute, where I worked on multimodal machine learning and affective computing (also with LP Morency and with Jeffrey Girard). Prior to joining CMU, I obtained my AB in Statistics and Molecular & Cellular Biology from Harvard University, then spent a wonderful year as a researcher with Miguel Hernán in the Program for Causal Inference (now CAUSALab) at the Harvard School of Public Health.

If you'd like to chat, please feel free to reach out at victoria(at)stat(dot)cmu(dot)edu.

* denotes equal contribution


Isolated Causal Effects of Natural Language [paper][code]
Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency, Eli Ben-Michael


Optimizing Language Models for Human Preferences is a Causal Inference Problem [paper][code]
Victoria Lin, Eli Ben-Michael, Louis-Philippe Morency
UAI 2024

Text-Transport: Toward Learning Causal Effects of Natural Language [paper][code]
Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency, Eli Ben-Michael
EMNLP 2023

Counterfactual Augmentation for Multimodal Learning Under Presentation Bias [paper][code]
Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency, Dimitrios Dimitriadis, Srinagesh Sharma
EMNLP Findings 2023

SenteCon: Leveraging Lexicons to Learn Human-Interpretable Language Representations [paper][code]
Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency
ACL Findings 2023

SeedBERT: Recovering Annotator Rating Distributions from an Aggregated Label [paper]
Aneesha Sampath, Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency
UDM-AAAI Workshop 2023

Toward Multimodal Modeling of Emotional Expressiveness [paper][code]
Victoria Lin*, Jeffrey Girard*, Michael Sayette, Louis-Philippe Morency
ICMI 2020 (Best Paper nominee)

Context-Dependent Models for Predicting and Characterizing Facial Expressiveness [paper]
Victoria Lin, Jeffrey Girard, Louis-Philippe Morency
AAAI AffCon Workshop 2020 (Best Paper Award)


gfoRmula: An R package for estimating the effects of sustained treatment strategies via the parametric g-formula [paper][code][software]
Sean McGrath*, Victoria Lin*, Zilu Zhang, Lucia Petito, Roger Logan, Miguel Hernán, Jessica Young
Patterns Volume 1, Issue 3 (2020)

Enhancing GABA signaling during middle adulthood prevents age-dependent GABAergic interneuron decline and learning and memory deficits in ApoE4 mice [paper]
Leslie Tong, Seo Yeon Yoon, Yaisa Andrews-Zwilling, Alyssa Yang, Victoria Lin, Hanci Lei, Yadong Huang
Journal of Neuroscience Volume 36, Issue 7 (2016)